Investor FAQ
Company Information

Information on the company's subsidiaries and associate companies can be found on the Website as well as in the Annual Reports

Centrum Capital Limited (CCL) is the operating holding company of the Centrum Group and holds a Category I Merchant Banking license. It has several subsidiaries/group companies with specific focus on business activities like  Banking, Broking, Housing Finance, Asset Management, Wealth, Insurance, Infrastructure Advisory etc.

The registered and corporate office address of the company is at Level -9, Centrum House, C.S.T. Road, Vidyanagari Marg, Kalina, Santacruz (E) Mumbai- 400098

The Corporate Identity Number of the company is L65990MH1977PLC019986.

As on March 31, 2024, the Company’s standalone and consolidated performance is as follows:

Total Income (In Rs. Lakhs)2,23,866.439,686.84
Profit/(Loss) After Tax (In Rs. Lakhs)(7,118.84)(5,133.59)

The financial results, corporate announcements, corporate policies and other investor related information are available on the Company's website, under the head 'Investor Relations'. The Quarterly Results of the Company are disseminated to all shareholders whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Company / RTA.

Further, the Company on a periodic basis provides to the Stock Exchange with disclosures as required by law which amongst others includes quarterly financials. The stock exchanges are also notified in the event of any specific information which needs to be communicated to the investors.

Investors desirous to communicate with the company can send an e-mail to investor helpline email id:

Also, one can write to the Company Secretary at the Corporate office address mentioned above.

Equity Shares Information

Yes. The trading window is closed from the end of every quarter, till 48 hours after the declaration of financial results of the Company. Further, the Trading Window shall be closed during the time when the Compliance Officer determines that a Designated Person or a class of Designated Persons can reasonably be expected to have access to or possession of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information.


CCL was incorporated on November 18, 1977 as a Public Limited Company named Jasmine Investments Limited under the Companies Act, 1956 after which the name of the Company was changed to Centrum Finance Limited on March 18, 1997. The name was again changed to Centrum Capital Limited on March 22, 2005. CCL shares were listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in 1978 (Scrip code: 501150) and on the National Stock Exchange in 2018 (Scrip code: CENTRUM).

The Demat International Security Identification Number (ISIN) in NDSL and CDSL for equity shares is: INE660C01027 (new - for equity shares with face value of Rs.1 per share).

Dividend is paid based on the parameters provided in the Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company.

In the year 2013, a bonus issue was made in the ratio of five bonus equity share for every one share of face value Rs.1 per share held in the company. A stock split had also occurred in the year 2013, where every equity share of face value Rs.10 per share was split into 5 equity shares with a face value of Rs.1 per share.

Dematerialisation Of Shares

Depositories provide "Transposition cum Demat facility" to help joint holders to dematerialize securities in different sequence of names. For this purpose, DRF and Transposition Form should be submitted to the DP.

NSDL and CDSL have launched SMS Alert facility for demat account holders whereby the investors can receive alerts for debits and credits in their demat accounts. These alerts are sent to those account holders who have provided their mobile numbers to their DPs

Attested / Notarized copy of death certificate of the deceased shareholder. Request letter duly signed by the surviving shareholders. Self-attested copies of PAN card and address proofs of the surviving share holders

Original share certificates. Transposition form duly filled and signed by the surviving shareholders.

As per the Depository Regulations, the Company/ RTA is obliged to take on record the details of shareholders (having shares in dematerialised form) furnished by the concerned Depository Participant only. The Company/ RTA cannot make any change in such records received from the Depository Participant.

Common risk factors applicable to trading in physical shares like mismatch in signatures, loss in postal transit, etc., are absent since dematted shares are traded scrip-less.

In case of any dispute, please contact your Depository Participant.

The rights of the shareholders holding shares in demat form are at par with holders of shares in physical form. On the record date, the Depository Participants will provide a list of demat account holders indicating the number of shares held in electronic form (known as Benpos - Beneficiary Position). On the basis of Benpos, the Company will make dividend payments in favour of the demat account holders.

Also, you will be eligible to procure the Annual Report and can rightfully attend the AGM as a shareholder. It is advisable to register your NECS mandate with your Depository Participant to enable us to credit all your dividends electronically.

Shares should be registered in your favour before they can be dematted. Please follow the procedure explained in the section pertaining to transfer of shares.

The charges for demat have to be borne by the shareholder. The charges differ from DP to DP and therefore you will have to contact your DP for the details regarding the same.

If you hold shares in the electronic form, you have the option of converting your holding to the physical form by submitting a duly filled Rematerialisation Request Form (RRF) through your DP.

Open an account with a Depository Participant (DP).Submit duly filled Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF) signed by all the shareholders Obtain an acknowledgement from the DP.

On receipt of DRF as above, DP will generate a Dematerialization Request Number (DRN) and the said DRN is electronically transmitted to the Company/ Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) through the concerned Depository.

Simultaneously, DP will send the physical certificates with the original DRF to the Company / RTA for verification and confirmation.

The Company / RTA, on receipt of DRF and share certificates as above will process the said request and if the DRF is found to be in order {viz. verification of signature and certificates}, will electronically confirm the said request.

The DP on receipt of such confirmation, will update the demat account of the investor.

The shareholder is required to approach a Depository Participant (DP) and apply in a prescribed application form for opening the Depository account. Alternatively, you can contact the Company officials for the same.

Dematerialisation of shares is optional and an investor can still hold shares in the physical form. However, he/she has to demat the shares if he/she wishes to sell the same through the stock exchanges. Similarly, if an investor purchases shares, he/she will get delivery of the shares in demat form only. Trading at the stock exchanges shall compulsorily be in demat form.

The process of converting securities (i.e. shares, bonds etc.) held in physical form into electronic form is known as dematerialization. Under this process, securities held by an investor in physical form are converted to an equal number of securities in electronic form and are credited into the investor's demat account maintained by him with his Depository Participant (DP).

Yes. With effect from 5th April, 1999 it has become mandatory to trade shares in demat form. However, you can exercise the option of holding the shares in physical form.

Transfer Of Shares

Share transfers in physical form can be lodged with the Company / RTA. All such requests for share transfers are processed and share certificates returned within a time period of 21 days from the date of receipt, subject to the documents being valid and complete in all respects.

To add a joint-holder name to your shareholding, please execute a stamped transfer deed and submit the same to MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly Link Intime India Private Limited) for transfer. Please note that such additions amount to a change in ownership of shares and the transfer procedure has to be followed.

When the transfer deed with the filled in transferor's details comes to you, kindly ensure that the requisite details such as folio number, certificate number, and distinctive number, name of the holder, name and address of witnesses are filled in. Please also ensure that the transfer deed is signed by the transferor(s) (signatures of all holders in case of joint holding) and the witness and is accompanied by the self-attested copies of PAN Card of both, the transferor and the transferee.

Please note that attestation of transferor's signature by a Manager of a nationalized bank is necessary where the transferor holds a savings account, however there will be rejection for transfer on account of signature mismatch despite of attestation being done.

Please fill in all the columns of the transfer deed, sign as transferee at appropriate places and arrange for payment of stamp duty at 0.25% of the market value on the date of execution of the transfer deed.

The stamp duty applicable on share transfer is at 0.25% of the market value on the date of execution of the transfer deed. You can get the transfer deed franked with the requisite stamp fee from any bank where franking services are available.

Our branch offices do not handle share transfer processing. Registration of Share Transfer is carried out only at MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly Link Intime India Private Limited)

Address: C-101, Embassy 247, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 083


Phone no.: (022) 49186000

You will have to lodge the shares, either by personal delivery or through post/reputed courier. Alternatively, you may lodge shares with our secretarial department at Centrum Capital Limited, Centrum House, CST Road, Vidyanagari Marg Kalina, Santacruz (East), Santacruz, Mumbai - 400098

Shareholders may request the Company / RTA for effecting change of name in the share certificates and records of the Company. Original share certificates along with the supporting documents should be enclosed. After verification, the change of name shall be effected and the share certificates in the new name of the shareholders shall be sent. Shareholders holding shares in demat form, may request the concerned DP in the format prescribed by DP.

Transmission Of Shares

The surviving shareholders are required to submit a request letter supported by a self-attested copy of PAN card of all surviving holders, an attested copy of the Death Certificate of the deceased shareholder and the relevant share certificates. It is advisable if the documents are accompanied by a duly executed Transmission Form. The request letter should be duly completed and signed by the survivors, as per the specimen signatures registered with MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly Link Intime India Private Limited) so that the name of the deceased can be deleted from the Company's records as well as from the certificates.

The Company, on receipt of the said documents, will delete the name of the deceased shareholder from its records and return the share certificates to the applicant/registered holder with the necessary endorsement.

For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.

Note: As per SEBI Circular dated October 28, 2013, the timeline for processing the transmission requests by the DP for securities held in dematerialized form is 7 days and by the Company/RTA for the securities held in physical form shall be 21 days, after receipt of the prescribed documents from the claimants/legal heirs.

As per law, the joint holder is deemed to be having indivisible ownership of the joint property and the Company cannot ascertain as to how or why the name was included. As per the Articles of Association of the Company, the surviving joint holders are the only persons recognised as having title to the shares.

In order to ascertain that Will in question is the last Will and testament made by the deceased, it is important that the same is authenticated/probated by the Court. This is to protect the interest of the investors at large and to obviate any future claims/disputes on the same.

To get the shares transmitted in your name, kindly obtain a Succession Certificate/Letter of Administration of the last deceased joint holder in your favour and follow the procedure for transmission of shares.

The legal heirs are required to get the Will probated by the High Court/District Court of competent jurisdiction and then send us a probated copy of the Will. This should be accompanied by a relevant schedule/annexure setting out the details of the shares, the relevant share certificates in original, the transmission form, self-attested PAN card and address proofs of all the claimants.

In case no person has been appointed as nominee by the deceased shareholder, the legal heir(s) is / are requested to submit the following documents along with the share certificates to the Company:

Request for transmission in writing duly signed by all the legal heirs (transferees)

Certified true copy of the death certificate

Certified true copy of any one of the following:

a) Will; or

b) Probate issued by a Court of competent jurisdiction; or

c) Letter of Administration issued by a Court of competent jurisdiction; or

d) Succession Certificate.

In case the transmission is requested not in favour of all the legal heirs, no objection from other legal heir(s) relinquishing their right on the said shares shall be obtained. For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.

Nomination In Case Of Shareholding

Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides the facility of nomination to shareholders. This facility is mainly useful for individuals holding shares in sole name. In the case of joint holding of shares by individuals, nomination will be effective only in the event of death of all joint holders.

Nomination in respect of shares held in physical form can be sent to the Company/ RTA. After the Company/ RTA receives the form and finds it in order, a registration number will be allotted to the nomination. A duplicate copy of the nomination form submitted by you will be returned to you with an endorsement indicating the registration number and date.

In case of shares in dematerialised form, your nomination has to be recorded with your Depository Participant. Option for multiple nominations for each folio is also available.

It is not necessary to send your share certificate at the time of registration of nomination.

A nomination once made can be revoked by submitting a fresh nomination. If the nomination is made by joint holders, and one of the joint-holders dies, the surviving joint holder/s can make a fresh nomination by revoking the existing nomination.

In case of shares held in the physical form, upon the death of a shareholder, the nominee is entitled to get the shares transmitted in his favour. He/she is required to submit a notice in writing to this effect along with the original share certificate and an attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased shareholders.

If a nominee opts for registration of shares in his/her name, he/she has to submit a Transmission Form along with a copy of the PAN card and proof of address, to the satisfaction of the Company.

Upon scrutiny of the documents submitted by the nominee, shares will be transmitted in his/her favour and share certificates will be returned to him/her duly endorsed. In case of shares held in the demat form, please contact your DP.


Immediately on being aware of the loss/misplacement of the share certificates, the procedure as detailed hereunder should be followed:

Lodge a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police station;

Submit the application in writing to the Company / RTA, MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly Link Intime India Private Limited), duly signed by all the shareholders, quoting the folio number, details of share certificates lost, along with an original/attested copy of the FIR.

Company / RTA on verification, will mark 'Stop Transfer' against the share certificates reported as lost/misplaced by the shareholder for a period of 15 days and shall provide the detailed procedure for issue of duplicate share certificates including the draft of the affidavit and indemnity to be executed by the shareholder.

A letter duly signed by the sole/joint holders stating the new address and all the Folio Nos. must be sent to MUFG Intime India Private Limited (Formerly Link Intime India Private Limited). You must ensure that the signature of the first holder is as per the specimen signature recorded with Link Intime. An acknowledgement will be sent to your new address confirming the updation of the change in our records.

In case you have dematerialized your holdings, please write to your DP.

Details of Company’s Business
Terms and conditions of appointment of Independent Directors
Board Composition
Composition of various committees of Board of Directors
Code of conduct of Board of Directors and senior management personnel
Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy
Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors
Policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions
Policy for Determining Material Subsidiaries
Details of familiarization programmes imparted to independent directors
Email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details
Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances
Financial information including: 
(i) notice of meeting of the board of directors where financial results shall be discussed;
(ii)financial results, on conclusion of the meeting of the board of directors where the financial results were approved;
(iii) complete copy of the annual report including balance sheet, profit and loss account, directors report, corporate governance report etc;
Shareholding pattern
Items published in Newspaper:
(a) Financial Results, as specified in regulation 33, along-with the modified opinion(s) or reservation(s), if any, expressed by the auditor:
(b) Notices given to shareholders by advertisement.
Credit ratings obtained by the Company for all its outstanding instruments
Subsidiary Financial Statements
Secretarial compliance report
Policy For Determination Of Materiality For Disclosure
Disclosure of contact details of key managerial personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to stock exchange(s) as required under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR)
Disclosures under sub-regulation (8) of regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR);
Statement of Deviation or Variation
Dividend Distribution Policy
Annual return
Name of the debenture trustees with full contact details
All information and reports including compliance reports filed by the listed entity;
All credit ratings obtained by the entity for all its listed non-convertible securities
Employee Benefit Scheme Documents